Updated BackBox Linux 1.05 is now avilable

BackBox is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 LTS developed to perform penetration tests and security assessments. Designed to be fast, easy to use and to provide a minimal yet complete desktop environment thanks to its own software repositories always been updated to the last stable version of the most known and used ethical hacking tools.

This is the official change log:
  • New ISO image (32bit & 64bit)
  • System upgrade
  • Performance boost
  • New look and feel
  • Improved start menu
  • Bug fixing
  • Hacking tools new or updated: Firefox 4, Hydra 6.2, Kismet 2011.03.2, Metasploit Framework 3.6.0, NMap 5.51, SET 1.3.5, SqlMap 0.9,  sslstrip 0.8, w3af 1.0-rc5, weevely 0.3, WhatWeb 1.4.7, Wireshark 1.4.5, Zaproxy 1.2, etc.
This BackBox Linux 1.05 features the following upstream components: Ubuntu 10.04, Linux 2.6.32 and Xfce 4.6.1. Slowly, yet surely, this distribution is going to be great!
Download BackBox Linux 1.05 (backbox-1.05-i386.iso) here.


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