The official website of Pakistan Supreme Court get hacked. It was famous pakistani hacker Zombie_Ksa who hacked into the web-server and deface the index page.
The home page has been replaced with the hacker's page containing the message follows:-
"...[!] Struck By Zombie_Ksa
The Notorious Zombie_Ksa is Back
You Must have Heard about me on, news, headlines, Gov. charges, blogs, blah blah
YES, Pakistan Supreme Court got STAMPED by Zombie_Ksa.
What i can see, I Guess, Supreme Court of Pakistan is in Wrong, Untalented Hands !!
Well Why Did I Choose Supreme Court of Pakistan for HaCkinG ?
Just tO Convey my Message tO Mr Chief So Called Justice Of Pakistan Iftikhar Mohammad Chaudry...
Mr Chief hello0 :D !! Hope So yO Enjoying your full time Luxurious Life.. :D aint u? O.o
So I am here tO request you to go 0ut there and help the poor,needy and hungry.
They Dont have money to Eat one time Meal
They dont Have Clothes to wear
They dont have Accommodation !!
Sitting 0n y0ur r0yal chair w0nt make any changes to 0ur Pakistan
Baby m here tO Tell this mofo World that We are Pakistan ....Not Pornistan... & Sir i need ur help.. Since u have powefull balls and i request you to take action to ban porn sites in Pakistan. Read it again I request you to BAN Pornographic sites in PAKISTAN... PTA is paid whore... they dont give a damn shit about our complains... They can BAN Porn sites... ANd if they dont WTF they are paid for? Mr CJ m again requesting you to take somoto action against PTA. If you dont then i myself will... I will Roast PTA's Asses like I raped FIA... & If they cant or they wont then InshALLAH I will raise the 1337 gr33n flag high and ll Hack PTA like i hacked bef0re =) ...
@Webmaster:Mr.Malik Sohail Ahmad The data is intact, no harm done. The index file is only replaced with this message.Well Dude You Don't Know Nothing !! Here in PAKISTAN who has Degree He Is Monster and you Idiot is Webmaster of Supreme Court of PAKISTAN ? Death to U !! Learn Some Serious Shit Insane !!>..."
Hacked Site:-
Mirror Link:-
