The developper team Linux Mint today officially decleread that Linux Mint 12 codenamed “Lisa” has arrived. The project's lead developer, Clement Lefebvre, also announced the project has made its first income-raising deal with a Partnership with search engine company DuckDuckGo. In Linux Mint 12, DuckDuckGo will be the default search engine.
New Features :-- Gnome 3 and MGSE
- Artwork improvements
- Search engines
The Linux Mint project aims to deliver a Linux distribution that is more user friendly and provides a more complete out-of-the-box experience by including support for DVD playback, Java, plug-ins and various media codecs. Linux Mint 12 is based on the 3.0 Linux kernel and moves from the GNOME 2.32 desktop environment to the sometimes controversial GNOME 3, specifically version 3.2. To address issues users have had with the change in the desktop and workflow between GNOME 2 and 3, the Mint developers have created the Mint Gnome Shell Extensions (MGSE). These extensions add a number of the traditional desktop elements that Mint and GNOME 2 users are used to, such as a start menu and window list at the bottom of the screen. A new "Mint-Z" desktop theme and set of wallpapers are also included
For more information and to see the official release note click Here
To Download Linux Mint 12 (Lisa) Click Here