Anonymous took responsibility of hacking into 50+ Toronto websites. In a YouTube video anon said
"We have been receiving plenty of complaints that Toronto business based websites have been hacked. People quickly assumed that OccupyTO was behind this, but luckily Anonymous stepped up to the plate for taking responsibilities for their actions. At this moment we do not know why the websites were redirect to OccupyTO’s website ( Although, this seemed to be a response to the first video that threatened to remove Toronto from the internet. All we can say at this point is that Anonymous, is stating a point that this occurred because of the cities actions to evict the protesters. A video is claiming that Anonymous attacked 50+ Toronto business based website, took down Canadian Craigslist website, and gained access to a valuable email account. We hope everything comes down to a peaceful agreement."
"It has come to our attention that some websites in Toronto have started re-directing to the website. Please be advised that this action is NOT condoned by the Occupy Toronto movement, rather some individual has taken it upon themselves to compromise websites in this way.
The issue seems to be related to websites running Joomla 1.5 or 1.6. The solution is to check the source code of the page and search for the word ‘occupy’. Once you have located the code you should have an indication of what article contains the script. In some cases it may be in multiple articles. Just edit and save each infected article and the problem should be solved.
If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, free support is being offered. Just send an email to with your website address and the username and password of an account that has access to edit your website. Rest assured your login information will be held in the strictest confidence. Once the problem is solved it is advised to change your password(s) to the site" Anonymous added.
