United States is developing cyber defense for both Public and Private. In an exclusive report it said that In the 21st century, the American Dream is coded in zeroes and ones. Sophisticated information systems are now embedded in every facet of our daily lives. Whether it is an electronic payment card transaction or a smartphone search for a restaurant, nearly everything we do depends on the smooth operation of secure information systems.
Beyond our personal lives, strategic infrastructure services like power transmission, transportation and major financial transactions all rely on information systems for wide-scale safety and security. U.S. embrace of information technology offers enormous advantage. But it also exposes us to vulnerability. The usefulness and value of U.S. information systems invites attack from hackers, industrial spies, terrorists and criminals.
Cyber attacks are on the rise, and their variety, scope and scale increase monthly, imposing staggering costs. Up to 90 percent of U.S. businesses reported data intrusions over the past year, according to a recent survey, costing an estimated $96 billion in the first six months of 2011 — nearly as much as in all of 2010. The Commerce Department estimates that the theft of intellectual property, most stolen via electronic means, costs $250 billion annually and deprives U.S. workers of approximately 750,000 U.S. jobs.
U.S. businesses, which own and operate many of the most valuable information systems, are America’s first line of defense against cybersecurity threats. Chief executive officers take this responsibility seriously. We have integrated cybersecurity into the way we manage our companies and conduct our operations. But we need tools from government that only government can provide.
In a new Business Roundtable report, “Mission Critical: A Public-Private Strategy for Effective Cybersecurity,” U.S. business leaders call on Congress and the Obama administration to use smart cybersecurity policies that facilitate new levels of domestic and international collaboration — especially for cyber events that target national interests.
These include technical support essential for protecting global corporate assets against cyber attacks, and greater international cooperation in bringing cyber criminals to justice.
What business needs most is a reliable partner. Partnership, shared responsibility and coordinated response – these are the attributes of a modern, flexible and effective cybersecurity strategy. We know for sure that prescriptive government mandates are not going to work. Threats change so rapidly that solutions are often obsolete before they can be implemented. Inflexible mandates don’t fit the reality of privately owned information systems and rapidly evolving threats.
Today, government responsibility is fragmented and cybersecurity is not integrated into the way the U.S. government does business. The U.S. legal and policy environment inhibits information sharing between business and government. Effective cybersecurity is too important to America’s future to let old ways of doing things stand in the way.
Information security is a critical component of economic and national security. It is also a necessary foundation of future U.S. prosperity and opportunity. Washington has to get this right. Congress and the administration need to make effective cybersecurity – based on flexible, collaborative and responsive public-private information sharing partnerships – an urgent national priority.
