Iran Took Responsibility of Hacking into U.S. Spy Drone
Last year we came to know that a stealthy key-logger has hit the U.S. Drone logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other warzones. The key-logger was was capable of capturing data and transfer that to the attacker. Now its come to know that Iran has reportedly hacked the software of an advanced US spy drone, which came down its territory last year and has started building its own copies of the aircraft. Commander of Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps Brig General Amir Ali Hajizadeh gave details of the aircraft's operational history as proof that their engineers had successfully probed its records. "Had we not accessed the plane's soft wares and hard discs, we wouldn't have been able to achieve these facts. We have decoded all this [information] and we now have an infinite amount of intelligence," said Hajizadeh.
The state media report also said that Iran had 'started manufacturing models of the captured US spy plane'. The unarmed drone was shown on Iranian state television, apparently looking intact, after coming down 140 miles inside Iranian territory in December. Iran claimed it brought down the drone by an electronic attack after it took off from an American base inside Afghanistan, but US officials said the aircraft crashed due to a malfunction.
