Director of National Security Agency Will Join DEFCON 20 Hacking Conference
Great news for hackers and security professionals who will attend the most awaited & the world's largest annual hacking party "DEFCON 20" in Las Vegas next week will have a rare chance to rub shoulders with the head of the U.S. National Security Agency. The Defcon 20 official page is saying that the director of the spy agency, Mr. General Keith Alexander will speak at the Defcon conference, marking the highest-level visit to date by a U.S. government official to the colorful gathering.
The founder of Defcon and renouned hacker Mr. Jeff Moss said who is known as the Dark Tangent said "We're going to show him the conference. He wants to wander around". Still, Moss said he expect there could be some controversy over Alexander's presence among the diverse hacker crowd that attends the conference. The NSA plays both offense and defense in the cyber wars. It conducts electronic eavesdropping on adversaries, in addition to protecting U.S. computer networks.
"I expect some people will say 'You are a sellout for having someone from the NSA speak" Mossed added.
He said he's spent a decade trying to get the head of the NSA to speak at Defcon, but he never imaged it would actually happen: "To me this is really validating of the whole culture."
Defcon offers a side conference for children, Defcon Kids, which Alexander will likely visit. It also trains hackers to pick locks and has an annual contest to measure who is best at persuading corporate workers to release sensitive data over the phone. Moss said he invited federal agents to the first Defcon conference, but that they politely declined. They showed up anyway, incognito. They kept coming, in bigger numbers, sometimes in uniform. "We created an environment where the feds felt they could come and it wasn't hostile," Moss said. "We could ask them questions and they wanted to ask the hackers about new techniques."
-Source (Huffington Post)

Dark Tangent
Hacking Conference
Jeff Moss