Reuters Hacked Again With Hoax of Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Saud al-Faisal Death
Yet again Reuters have fallen victim to cyber criminals. A week ago blogging platform of Reuters was compromised and a false interview with a Syrian rebel leader was posted by the hacker on a Reuters' journalist's blog. This time also the same story repeats, this the second time in a single month, which immediately rises questions about Reuters' security concern. A report appeared on the Reuters blog, stating that Saudi Arabia's foreign minister Saud al-Faisal had passed away. The information was phony and the handiwork of hackers who had happily chipped away at Reuters' security system. The false report was immediately deleted. The entire platform remained temporarily down again till Thursday (Aug. 16), later it was restored and came back to its general format.
Reuters confirmed the attack while saying- " was a target of a hack on Tuesday. Our blogging platform was compromised and a fabricated blog post saying Saudi Arabia's Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal had died was illegally posted on a Reuters journalist's blog on"
According to experts Reuters had been running the WordPress 3.1.1 version software, instead of the latest 3.4.1 version. It has been indicated that the older version of WordPress has a minimum of 20 reported vulnerabilities."Wordpress and its plug-ins are often targeted by attackers as the wide proliferation of the software makes it a target that provides a lot of bang for the buck for exploit developers," said Marcus Carey of Rapid7. "the blame lies with site owners and administrators who fail to keep up with patches. While updating software is a basic step, there is evidence of a lack of execution in this area." -Carey added
-Source (BBC)
