BlackHole Exploit Kit 2.0 Released !! (Collection of Latest Exploit Modules)
BlackHole exploit kit - which is so far recognized as the most successful exploit kit that includes a collection of exploits to take advantage of vulnerability in the target's machine to download malwares & infect the victim, now became more power full as The BH developers have unleashed a new version of their exploit toolkit on the net. With BlackHole 2.0, the software has been "rewritten from scratch" to fool antivirus & firewall, said the unknown developers in a Russian-language release announcement on Pastebin. In their posting, they advertise new features such as temporary exploit URLs that are only valid for a few seconds, making them harder to analyse. The other features are also quite worthy and makes it a quite faster exploit kit like the new version doesn’t rely on plugindetect to determine the Java version installed. This will speed up the malware download routine. As the link to the malicious payload was easily identified by security software earlier, the BlackHole 2.0 comes with a feature that allows the customer to choose the link. The creators of the exploit kit claim that this way none of the commercial antivirus solutions is able to detect it. Old exploits that were causing the browser to crash have been removed.
A total of 16 improvements have been claimed to be done in BlackHole’s administrator panel. Now it’s faster, statistics are easier to view, and mobile phones and Windows 8 have been added to allow customers to see precisely what types of devices are infected. The price for the services are quite comparative. All you need is criminal intent and money. The toolkit can now even be rented for a $50 a day and will then run on a server that is owned by the BlackHole team. The annual licence fee for criminals who use their own servers is $1,500. Detailed information about BH 2.0 can be here.

BlackHole Exploit Kit