BlackBerry PlayBook The Most Secure Tablet For BYOD Solution
Now a days users of tablet is increasing everyday. Millions of people across the globe are using tablet for both personal and professional purposes. While the number of users and purposes of using tablet are rising, besides the matter of privacy and security arises. There are many companies who are manufacturing tablet, but before choosing, we should know which one is secured than others. According to a recent report by Context Information Security -the PlayBook of BlackBerry is the only device among three top tablets that gives users a good, safe division between their work and personal computing, a recent technology audit concluded. The report faulted the PlayBook, as well as the Apple iPad and the Samsung Galaxy Tab, for default settings that don't automatically encrypt backups, and for not offering complementary and compatible tools for IT teams to manage a large number of devices at the business level. According to Jonathan Roach, Principal Consultant at Context and author of the report "While the iPad and BlackBerry PlayBook performed better, both still have security deficiencies -- including desktop software that fails to encrypt backups by default." He also said "Context found the PlayBook to be the most work-ready personal tablet of the three, due to its Bridge application's excellent support of barriers between work and personal profiles,"
According to report by contrast, Apple's wildly popular iPad sold more than 17 million units last quarter. Context found the iPad to be the second-most-secure device, citing its "robust data protection and damage limitation facilities," but said on its news page that the device was still vulnerable to jailbreak attacks and "ineffective disk encryption unless a strong passcode policy is applied."
The report also found the Galaxy Tab's security features to be the least work-play ready, with weak disk-encryption support. The Galaxy Tab's lack of tools tailored to enterprise use makes it "very difficult to manage more than a small number of Galaxy Tabs in an enterprise environment," a point Apple also falls short on. The report criticized the Galaxy Tab's encryption as well. Even with encryption enabled, the report found that Samsung's device still "allows badly-written apps to store sensitive information on the unencrypted SD card." The report also praised all three tablets for their support of Exchange ActiveSync, a feature that allows crucial security settings to be managed from a central server running Microsoft software. But the study noted important differences among the devices that may make some tablets more appropriate for dual use in both the home and the office.
"Despite that security advantage, RIM only managed to ship 130,000 tablets last quarter. By contrast, Apple's wildly popular iPad sold more than 17 million units last quarter. Context found the iPad to be the second-most-secure device, citing its 'robust data protection and damage limitation facilities,' but said on its news page that the device was still vulnerable to jailbreak attacks and 'ineffective disk encryption unless a strong passcode policy is applied" -Jonathan added
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-Source (Context Information Security & NBC News)

Galaxy Tab