‘Pervasive Vulnerability’ Found in The Robotic Aircraft of Drone Fleet
Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), widely known as a drone has always been gone through with several controversies in case of both defense and cyber security. Yet again several question arises regarding the security system and the control algorithms of drone. According to the Pentagon’s premier science and technology division a a “pervasive vulnerability” have been found in the robotic aircraft of drone. The control algorithms for these crucial machines are written in a fundamentally insecure manner, says Dr. Kathleen Fisher, a Tufts University computer scientist and a program manager at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. There’s simply no systematic way for programmers to check for vulnerabilities as they put together the software that runs our drones, our trucks or our pacemakers.
In our homes and our offices, this weakness is only a medium-sized deal: developers can release a patched version of Safari or Microsoft Word whenever they find a hole; anti-virus and intrusion-detection systems can handle many other threats. But updating the control software on a drone means practically re-certifying the entire aircraft. And those security programs often introduce all sorts of new vulnerabilities. “The traditional approaches to security won’t work,” Fisher tells Danger Room.
Fisher is spearheading a far-flung, $60 million, four-year effort to try to develop a new, secure way of coding and then run that software on a series of drones and ground robots. It’s called High-Assurance Cyber Military Systems, or HACMS. For detailed information about this story click Here.
While talking about drone and its security we would like to give you reminder that in 2011 we came to know that a stealthy key-logger has hit the U.S. Drone logging pilots’ every keystroke as they remotely fly missions over Afghanistan and other war zones. Later Iran took responsibility of that cyber attack. Also in 2012 drone was in controversy where researcher have figured out that drone fleets are vulnerable to GPS spoofing and it can be hijacked by any malicious attacker or terrorist.
