Lightweight Portable Security (LPS) creates a secure end node from trusted media on almost any Intel-based computer (PC or Mac). It is a LiveCD distro designed by the US Department of Defense to function as a secure end node, in other words, a safe environment from which to access the web or a remote desktop host. Since the focus is on security, LPS boots a thin Linux operating system from a CD or USB flash stick without mounting a local hard drive, while providing tools such as a web browser, a file manager in addition to few other small tools. Administrator privileges are not required; nothing is installed! LPS-Public is a safer, general-purpose solution for using web-based applications. The accredited LPS-Remote Access is only for accessing your organization’s private network and is available only on request. We requested for one and are yet to hear back from “them”.
This livecd is very useful for not for whole organisation but some departments whose employees are on the move or carry critical data in and out of the organisation. In fact there are two version of the lightweight portable securityFREE download. Their brief use is as follows: linux distro available for a
- LPS-Public: It includes features designed to allow productive use of the Internet and CAC- or PIV-restricted Government websites from home or while traveling. LPS-Public comes preconfigured with a smart card-enabled Firefox web browser with Java and Flash support, Encryption Wizard-Public, a PDF viewer, a file browser, remote desktop software (Citrix, Microsoft or VMware View), SSH client, and the ability to use USB flash drives. This build does not contain any For Official Use Only (FOUO) material or any customized software. It is a very light distro and needs lesser RAM.
- LPS-Public Deluxe: It adds OpenOffice software, which is a Microsoft Office-compatible suite of office applications, and Adobe Reader, which allows PDF files to be digitally signed. A bit heavier distribution, requiring about a Gigahertz of RAM.
LPS-Public allows general web browsing and connecting to remote networks. It includes a smart card-enabled Firefox browser supporting CAC and PIV cards, a PDF and text viewer, Java, and Encryption Wizard – Public. LPS-Public turns an untrusted system (such as a home computer) into a trusted network client. No trace of work activity (or malware) can be written to the local computer. Our initial working with the linux distro leads us to believe that after logon, you are taken to a desktop that is rendered via IceWM – the window manager for the X Window Systems. You can use a WiFi connection too, but understandably, there is no support for printers and sound. Surprisingly, given the notoriety the Adobe Flash plugins, the distro includes a fairly recent Firefox with the Flash plugin pre-loaded. It also includes a few more Firefox add-ons. You also get a Remote Desktop client to initiate RDP requests. Another interesting thing we observed is that if you plan on using smart cards and you think that it might not be compatible with LPS, worry not as it has the OEM’s firmware updater built in!
Features of LPS
- LPS differs from traditional operating systems in that it isn’t continually patched.
- LPS is designed to run from read-only media and without any persistent storage.
- Any malware that might infect a computer can only run within that session.
- A user can improve security by rebooting between sessions, or when about to undertake a sensitive transaction.
