'Hacktivist' Anonymous has threatened the Mexican Government and local bus companies. According to a YouTube video Anonymous released fives demands in-front of the Mexican Government, if those demands not get fulfilled then Anon has planned massive cyber attack to Mexican government and bus companies on the December 10th under the banner of Op Carreteras Seguras (#OpRoadSafe)
Anonymous launched its latest digital campaign in an effort to publicize the fact that the Mexican government and bus companies are failing to stop kidnappings, rapes and robberies of passengers on the country’s lawless highways. Indeed, a mass grave containing 293 bodies was recently discovered in San Fernando, Tamauilpas just 90 miles south of the Rio Grande Valley.
Authorities believe the victims were bus passengers abducted and murdered by members of the Zetas drug cartel.
Although dozens were arrested after the horrifying discovery, Anonymous says similar crimes continue in Tamaulipas and throughout Mexico, as only a minority of citizens travel by airplane, while the rest of the country is at the mercy of local bus companies and shoddy security.
Five Demands of Anonymous:-
- All passenger buses travel on more secure tolls roads.
- All buses should be equipped with GPS devices.
- Live, remote cameras be installed on all buses.
- Armed, plain clothes "bus marshals" travel on passenger buses.
- Those arrested in the context of Mexico's ongoing drug war should be treated as prisoners under the guidelines of the Geneva Convention.