Anonymous Bring down Ireland's Dept of Finance & Justice (#OpMegaupload, #OpIreland)
After Federal Authorities, US Govt, Brazil Govt now its time for Ireland. So here it come, Anonymous targeted the websites of Ireland's departments of finance and justice on Wednesday in a protest against government plans to block websites that violate copyright laws (SOPA/PIPA). Officials said both websites were taken off-line for a sudden time in the early hours of Wednesday in a denial of service attack (DoS), in which those sites were bombarded with a huge number of traffic. According to an Anon member @AnonOpsSweden claimed responsibility for the attack, posting a series of tweets overnight encouraging hackers to attack the two sites.
In A statement The Department of Justice said:-
Last night, the Department of Justice and Finance websites experienced a distributed denial of service attack. This is not an attempt to extract information from the website but is instead an attempt to stop access to a service.There seems to be no damage done to the website, however, a review is being conducted this morning. The situation continues to be monitored by the Department of Justice and the Department of Communication. Gardaí have been contacted on the matter. The Government is aware of the potential threat of this type of cyber attack and the Department of Communications is co-ordinating a whole of Government response to this threat, the Department added.
