Trinamool Congress Official Website Hacked By Bangladesh Black-hat Hackers
All India Trinamool Congress official website get hacked. Hackers from Bangladesh take responsibility of this hack. This attack on the AITMC website is yet another out put of the ongoing cyber war between Bangladesh & India. This ongoing cyber war indeed causing lots of damages for India. Till more than 20K Indian websites get hacked including 30+ Indian Govt Sites, National Informatics Center (NIC), Indian Railways, Passport Dept, MIT, NDTV, Indian Stock Market and many more high profile websites. According to party resources the site was hacked on the 14th February evening and later restored to its original format. The site was hosted on a US server and during this attack the security has been penetrated. Party spokes man also confirmed that the vulnerability has been fixed. MP and party's cyber team head Derek O' Brien said "It was blocked for a few hours but there was no damage to the site. We have lodged a complaint with the cyber cell of the Kolkata Police to get to the bottom of the truth"
In a statement Bangladesh Black-hat Hackers said that Mamata Banerjee had broken her promise on sharing of Teesta river water with the country. Which effect Bangladesh so they have performed the attack. In short it was a type of revenge.
This is not the first time earlier in 2011 hackers from Pakistan have hacked the official website of All India Congress, Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and so on. Also in an attack another Pak Hacker named KhantastiC haXor penetrated the official site of Indian Congress and defaced the Profile page of Party President Sonia Gandhi. Still Indian Govt is very careless about this burning issue. The rise of cyber crime is almost kissing the sky. And the status of Indian cyber security is in the disaster. The very out put is in front of us. Since the last week every day BD hackers penetrating Indian cyber fence very badly which is indeed causing lots of damage for the country not only reputation but also the country has caused lost of economical damage.If such things continues then in very coming future India have to face a massive disaster of National security including defense, army, secrete research areas and in many other sensitive sectors.
