Nortel Network Breached By Chinese Hackers, More Than 10 Years Data Stolen
Nortel Networks- the Giant telecommunication farm who have wide access to have corporate computer network has been breached by Chinese hackers. While investigation it has been found that the hackers stolen seven passwords from the company's top executives - including the CEO - which granted them widespread access to the entire Nortel network. According to Brian Shields, a former 19-year Nortel veteran who led an internal investigation- China—penetrated Nortel's computers at least as far back as 2000 and over the years downloaded technical papers, research-and-development reports, business plans, employee emails and other documents. Nortel's breach offers a rare level of detail about a type of international corporate espionage that is of growing concern to U.S. officials. A U.S. Nortel responded by changing affected passwords, but wound down an internal investigation into the breach after six months due to a lack of progress. Mike Zafirovski, who was Nortel's CEO between 2005-2009 said "we did not believe it was a real issue". Though the China government has denied allegations of cyberspying. When asked about Nortel specifically, the Chinese embassy in Washington issued a statement saying in part that "cyber attacks are transnational and anonymous" and shouldn't be assumed to originate in China "without thorough investigation and hard evidence."
-Source (wsg & NS)
