Junaid Hussain aka "TriCk" -Former Leader of "TeaMp0isoN" Jailed For 6 Months
Former leader of infamous hacker collective group TeaMp0isoN named Junaid Hussain also known as "TriCk" was sentenced to six months in prison for accessing the Gmail email account of former special adviser of Tony Blair and publishing details from her contacts database. Earlier in this year MI6 arrested the TriCk along with few other active members of TeaMp0isoN who ware directly involved behind the Denial of Service attack on MI6 hotline. Hussain had previously pled guilty to the conspiracy and computer charges which arose from the publication of phone numbers and email addresses of Members of Parliament and the House of Lords and a separate event which left the national anti-terror hotline "permanently engaged" for three days. Hussain has also confessed to taking part in and leading members of the hacker group to attack the UK national Anti-Terrorist Hotline with hundreds of hoax phone calls and involvement with hacktivist Anonymous in #OpRobinHood, #OpCensorThis and few more. "Hussain's actions were foolish and irresponsible," said detective inspector Stewart Garrick of the Police Central E-crime Unit. "Today's sentencing emphasises the seriousness of his offence and should act as a deterrent to anyone else who feels that they can act in such a manner."
