NATO Prepared Tallinn Manual -International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare
NATO finally published the final version of a document expected to shape cyber warfare policies among Western nations was published last week, clarifying when and how countries can legally conduct online aggression against one another. The International law of Cyber Warfare have been published by the Cooperative Cyber Defence Centre of Excellence (CCDCOE) set up in Estonia, in 2008, the Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare. Spanning 215 pages, the Tallinn Manual makes it clear that a full-scale war can be triggered by network-borne attacks on computer systems and that civilian activists that participate in those are considered legitimate targets. However, the manual specifically rules out state-sponsored attacks on critical civilian infrastructure. Nuclear power plants, hospitals, dams and similar are all out of bounds for cyber war, the manual states.
The Tallinn Manual:-
The Tallinn Manual on the International Law Applicable to Cyber Warfare, written at the invitation of the Centre by an independent ‘International Group of Experts’, is the result of a three-year effort to examine how extant international law norms apply to this ‘new’ form of warfare. The Tallinn Manual pays particular attention to the jus ad bellum, the international law governing the resort to force by States as an instrument of their national policy, and the jus in bello, the international law regulating the conduct of armed conflict (also labelled the law of war, the law of armed conflict, or international humanitarian law). Related bodies of international law, such as the law of State responsibility and the law of the sea, are dealt within the context of these topics.
The Tallinn Manual is not an official document, but instead an expression of opinions of a group of independent experts acting solely in their personal capacity. It does not represent the views of the Centre, our Sponsoring Nations, or NATO. It is also not meant to reflect NATO doctrine. Nor does it reflect the position of any organization or State represented by observers.
The Tallinn Manual is available in both paper and electronic copies from Cambridge University Press
-Source (IT News & CCDCOE)

Cyber Security
Cyber Warfare
information security
Tallinn Manual